September 2024
• Shannon Shepherd and her “Zoey” (Richter x Kava) were awarded their CDX title with two firsts, one second, and High in Trial. Zoey is formally now Turick’s In With The New CDX AX AXJ OF. Congratulations Team Zoey!
August 2024
• HC Turick’s Silver Alchemy HXAdsc AX AXJ NF HOF “Kami ” (Key x Kava) is now in 24″ Masters and started off on her MACH journey August 30th with 19 points from 24″ Masters JWW.
• Congratulations to Bonita Rodgers and her “Slate” (Key x Eva) on their #3 2023 ranking for Belgian Malinois in Fast CAT at 30.74 MPH. Slate is formally known as Turick’s Rock My World UD PCDX BN GO VER RA FDC CA FCAT4 RATS CGCA TKN ATT FTN.
The top five Fast CAT dogs of each breed in 2023 are invited to the 2024 Fast CAT Invitational in October, and Slate’s invitation has arrived! The full invite list, by breed, can be viewed at
July 2024
• Congratulations to Jeni Bauder-Heidt and her “Slash” (Dare x Raina) on their Agility Grand Championship! The Agility Grand Championship title is designed to celebrate the lifetime achievement of dogs that excel across all AKC agility classes. Slash will now be formally known AGCH MACH Turicks Red Hot World On Fire FDC MXS PAD MJG PJD MXP2 MXPB PADP MJP5 MJPS PJDP MFC T2B5 CGCU TKN.
• Congratulations to the new champion! “Teller” (Hans x Kava) is now officially CH Turick’s Cast a Spell on Ewe HSAd TKN.
May 2024
• Congratulations to Lisa Halpin and her “Bali” (Dare x Raina) on their MACH7. Bali is now MACH7 Turicks Kinetic Balance CDX RA MXC2 MJC2 MXF CA SCN CGCA TKP.
• Congratulations to the brown dog Turick family members on their successes at the AMBC’s 2024 National Specialty in Harrisonburg, VA! Turick’s Cast a Spell on Ewe HSAd TKN “Teller” (Hans x Kava) was Best in Bred By at the Regional Speciality and also High in Trial from the A Course Herding Trial 2. HC Turick’s Silver Alchemy HXAdsc OA OAJ NF HOF “Kami” (Key x Kava) was Reserve High in Trial from the A Course Herding Trial 1 and 1st place in 24″ JWW Excellent at almost 16 seconds faster than the second place dog at the Saturday trial. She also was inducted into the Herding Hall of Fame at the Banquet on Thursday. BOSS GCH Turicks Wakiya “Key” UD TDX HSAds HXAds BCAT TT DS CGC ROM I (Dare x Raina) won first place from Advanced A Course Sheep in Herding Trial 1. CH Turicks Steel Rain AX OAJ AJP NF ROM 1 “Nitro” (Dare x Kegan) QQ in 20″ Preferred on both Friday and Saturday’s agility trials with three firsts and a second, while MACH3 MXC MJC OF T2B HOF “Tora” (Dare by Raina) and Turicks Eyes On Ewe OA AJX XF “Spyder” (Mattis x Eve) each placed and had Qs in their agility classes. A few photos below – more may be added if received!
• One year after Jayci (Key x Eve) earned her FCAT10 she earned her FCAT 15 (1,000 points equals each FCAT). Big congratulations to Jennifer Biaocco and her Turick’s Journey By Design FDC NA AXP AJP OF MFP CAX5 FCAT15 ACT2 SWM SCME RATO DDG DDSE CGCA TKA ATT FITG• Congratulations to Anne Paul and her “Talise” (Richter x Kava), handled by Amanda Nickle, on their High in Trial from Started A Sheep under judge Leida Jones their first time out on May 3 at the Del Bay Herding Club Trial at Scarletts Mill in Birdsboro, PA as well as two second places the rest of the weekend at the Colonial Rottweiler trials for her HSAs title. (Ms. Jones’ judged sheep again Saturday and Terry Wofford judged sheep on Sunday; in in photo below he’s holding Friday’s HIT rosette.) Talise is now CH Turick’s Run Before The Wind CDX HSAs. She also was awarded her ROM II and was the #1 Malinois in the Started class from the January – June 2024 AKC herding rankings .published in the ABMC’s Performer
April 2024
• Congratulations to Sheri Palko and her Quen (Richter x Kava) on their CD title. Quen is now formally Turick’s High Frequency CD TKA CGC and thinks Open and Utility will be a blast!
• Congratulations to Team Tora – err, Team MACH3 Turicks Rolling Thunder MXC MJC OF T2B! Valeria Leab’s “Tora” (Dare x Raina) earned her MACH 3 on April 6th. Well done!
February 2024
• Bonita Rogers and her “Slate” (Key x Eve) earned his Utility Dog obedience title on February 24, 2024, collecting first place ribbons for all three legs. Slate is now formally known as Turick’s Rock My World Turick’s Rock My World UD PCDX BN GO RA CA FCAT4 RATO CGCA TKN ATT Slate was also the #3 fastest Belgian Malinois in Fast CAT for 2023. Congratulations, Team Slate!
• Congratulations to Marti Touchstone and her “Promise” (Colby x Alli ) on their first round invitation to the 2024 AKC National Obedience Championship in July, one of just six Malinois so honored. (Promise also received a first round invitation to last year’s NOC!) Promise is formally known as OTCH Turick’s Covenant UDX3 PUTD OM5 BN VER RE MX AXJ MXP2 MJP2 MJPB XF MFP T2BP TKN.
January 2024
• Congratulations to Lisa Halpin and “Bali” (Dare x Raina) on their CDX!
Bali will now formally be known as MACH6 Turicks Kinetic Balance CX RA MXC2 MJG2 MXF CA SCN CGCA TKP HOF. Way to go, Team Bali!
• Congratulations to Linda Lohdefinck and her new champion “Lady Jane” (Richter x Kava)! LJ turned two years old on January 1st and finished her conformation championship in high style by going BOB Saturday January 13th under judge Linda Clark – and then being awarded BOB on Sunday and Monday, too, for a clean sweep of the weekend. Aways owner-handled, LJ is now formally known as CH Turick’s Dance With Me FDC.
• It’s New Year, New Title, Birthday day for two-year old Barbara Wirkowski’s “Luna” (Richter x Kava) as they earn their Obedience CD title with another 1st place and a score of 199 that held for a High in Trial run-off. (Her other legs were both first places, too, with scores of 199 and 199.5 with High in Trial, photo below.) Luna’s registered name is now Turick’s Over The Moon CD BN RA NA NAJ XF. Congratulations!
December 2023
• Barbara Wirkowski and her “Luna” (Richter x Kava) added the Excellent Fast agility title to her collection on December 31st and is now formally Turick’s Over The Moon BN RA NA NAJ XF. Earlier in the month she earned her Rally Novice title with three perfect score and three first places.
• The AKC released the final eligibility list (12/1/22 – 11/30/23) for the 2024 National Agility Championships, and 4 of the 23 Malinois were Turick Malinois. Three (Slash, Tora, and Bali) are from the same Dare x Raina litter and the fourth (Kaden) is sired by Key, who is from the same Dare x Raina litter. Congratulations! as the other three.
• Mattis x Kami puppies whelped on December 5th – 8 girls and 1 boy, with all pups and their dam doing beautifully.
November 2023
• Judith Roberts’ and “Kavi” (Richter x Kava) earn their CD title. Kavi is now formally known as Turick’s Genesis CD BN CGC TDN. Congratulations, Team Kavi!
• Barbara Wirkowski and her “Luna” (Richter x Kava) add the Novice Standard agility title to her collection, and is now formally Turick’s Over The Moon BN RA NA NAJ OF. Congratulations!
• Always handled by her owner Anne Paul, CH Turick’s Run Before The Wind CD “Talise” (Richter x Kava) finished her breed championship with her second major (another 4 point one) at the Hunt Cluster in Doswell, VA under judge Pat Trotter. Congratulations to Anne and Talise!
September/October 2023
Barbara Wirkowski and her “Luna” (Richter x Kava) had a busy few months, earning obedience, rally, and agility titles, and is now officially known as Turick’s Over The Moon BN RN NAJ OF. Congratulations to Barbara and Luna!
August 2023
• Carolyn Kaiser/Turick Malinois is awarded her AKC Breeder of Merit Advanced Recognition “Gold” status, the second of only two Belgian Malinois Breeders of Merit at the Gold level.
• Young “Kami” (Key x Kava) turned two years old on June 26th and six weeks later finished her Herding Championship (along with her Advanced Sheep and Advanced Cattle titles) at the Del Bay Herding Club trials in Birdsboro, PA August 6-8, 2023 with a HIT, RHIT and two first places (ducks and cattle). Congratulations to HC Turicks Silver Alchemy HXAdsc and to Carolyn Kaiser’s 13th AKC herding championship.
• Judith Roberts’ and her “Kavi” (Richter x Kava) earn their Beginner Novice title, and so Kavi is now formally known as Turick’s Genesis BN CGC TDN. Congratulations!
July 2023
• It’s a family affair for the two Turick Malinois who received first round invitations to the AKC Agility Invitationals in Orlando, FL on December 16-17, 2023. The #1 spot went to MACH5 Turicks Kinetic Balance CD RA MXG2 MJS2 MXF CA SCN CGCA TKP “Bali” (Dare x Raina, owned by Lisa and Robert Halpin) and joining her aunt as #5 will be TC Turicks Rock’N The Rhythm HSXsd MXB MJS ROM I HOF “Kaden” (Key x Eve, owned by Carolyn Kaiser; Bali is one of Key’s litter sisters). Go Teams Turick!
• CH Turicks Steel Rain AX AXJ NF ROM I “Nitro” (Dare x Kegan) is awarded the ABMC’s Register of Merit – 1st Class for “dogs owned by ABC member that have proven themselves to be outstanding “multi-purpose” dogs as evidenced by holding advanced titles and/or titles in a variety of events.”
May 2023
Turick Title Updates (all photos below!):
• Jayci (Key x Eve) earned her FCAT10 and CAX4 in May and FCAT9 in March; congratulations to Jennifer Biaocco and her Turick’s Journey By Design FDC NA AXP AJP NF XFP CAX4 FCAT10 ACT2 SWE SCME SEM SBM RATO CGCA TKA ATT FITG!
• Spyder (Mattis x Eve) earned her JWW in May; congratulations to Valerie Leab and her Turick’s Eyes On Ewe JWW on the start of their agility career!
The “puppies” of the Richter x Kava New Year’s Day litter born January 1, 2022 are beginning to earn their first performance titles:
• Monique Buzzarté and her Kali (Turick’s To Infinity) earned their BCAT on April 14, joining Aunt Jayci (and Uncle Slate) in being listed in the Top 20 Belgian Malinois . Congratulations!
• Anne Paul and her Talise (Turick’s Run Before The Wind CD) earned their CD on April 7. Congratulations!
• Slate (Key x Eve) earned his FCAT 3 in March; congratulations to Bonita Rodgers and her Turick’s Rock My World CDX PCDX BN RA CA FCAT3 RATO CGCA TKN ATT. Congratulations!
At the conclusion of the 2023 ABMC Specialty held in Ohio from April 28 – May 5, four Turick dogs were among those inducted into the club’s Hall of Fame at the final Banquet. DC Element’s Night Watch at Turick HXAds CA CGCA CGCU TKI BCAT ROM I HOF “Kava” (Dare son Ruger x Jack daughter/Twister and Devan granddaughter Hottie) lives under my roof and joined the Herding Hall of Fame. Three other dogs that I bred were also honored with induction: OTCH Turick’s Covenant UDX3 PUTD OM5 BN VER RE MX AXJ MXP2 MJP2 XF MFP T2BP TKN “Promise” (Jack son Colby x Dare daughter Alli) entered the Obedience Hall of Fame and, posthumously, both CH Turicks Twist of Fate MX MXJ ADCH ROM I HOF “Twister” (Turick foundation dogs Tari x Beans) and GCH TC Turicks Black Jack HSAds HIAds HXAds MXB MJB XF ROM I HOF “Jack” (Twister x Devan) into the Agility Hall of Fame. Congratulations to these magnificent dogs and their dedicated owners.
There are now 25 dogs in the ABMC’s Herding HOF with 10 of those owned by me, bred by me, or sired by 1 of my males. Similarly, in the Obedience HOF there are now 15 dogs, with 2 of those bred by me and 3 more sired by my males. The Agility HOF now has 36 dogs; 8 are/were owned or bred by me (combined total 22 MACHs). ( Kaden will be eligible next year for my 9th Agility HOF dog). The Conformation HOF now has 42 dogs, with 3 either mine or bred by me and 2 more sired by Dare. 21 of these 24 dogs in the performance HOFs are also Conformation Champions or Grand Champions.
April 2023
The 2022 AKC Malinois herding rankings appeared in the ABMC’s April/May 2023 issue of the Performer and the top half of the Advanced dogs was a Turick brown dog family affair:
• Young “Kami“ (Turicks Silver Alchemy HXAd, Key x Kava), at 20 months, was #2;
• Kami’s sire “Key“ (GCH CH Turicks Wakiya UD TDX HSAds HXAds BCAT TT DS CGC ROM I, Dare x Twister daughter Raina) was #3;
• Kami’s dam “Kava“ (DC Element’s Night Watch At Turicks HXAds CA BCAT ROM I HOF was #4;
• Kami’s older half-sister “Kaden“ (TC Turicks Rock’N The Rhythm HXAds MX MXB MXJ MJB ROM I HOF was #5; and at the top of the list
• “Micah,” an Envy son/Devan grandson, was #1;
March 2023
Congratulations to Triple Champion Turick’s Rock’N The Rhythm HXAds MX MXB MJB ROM I HOF “Kaden” (Key x Eve). Kaden earned her MACH on March 17, before she turned four, and with that became both the 6th Triple Champion from the Turick Malinois family and the breed’s 8th Triple Champion. Kaden is great-great-grandaughter of Devan, the first Malinois awarded a TC. (Malinois who have earned championships in conformation, herding, and then either obedience, tracking, or agility are awarded the TC prefix title. The TC title replaces the conformation CH, the herding HC, and either OTCH, CT, MACH or PACH.)
Turick Triple Champions
(6 of the breed’s 8 Triple Champions are from the Turick Malinois family)
TC Turick’s Rock’N The Rhythm HXAds MX MXB MJB ROM I HOF
(Key x Eve) • TC earned March 17, 2023
TC Stahlrosenhof’s Torrential River UDX2 OM3 HSAds HIAds HXAs
(Dare x Rogue) • TC earned August 8, 2018
GCHB TC Turicks Trifecta UDX2 OM3 RN TD HSAs HSBs HIAs HXAs
(Twister x Devan) • TC earned April 1, 2017
GCH TC Turicks Black Jack HSAds HIAds HXAds MXB MJB XF ROM I HOF
(Twister x Devan) • TC earned March 30, 2014
(Twister x Devan) • TC earned November 11, 2011
(Pasha x Minuet) • TC earned July 11, 2010
February 2023
Turick Malinois is delighted to share the news that 2 Turicks dogs were among the 16 Malinois eligible to attend this year’s AKC’s National Agility Championship in Tulsa, OK in March: Carolyn Kaiser’s DC Turicks Rock’N The Rhythm HXAsd MX MXJ MJB “Kaden” (Dare son Key x Eve) and Lisa Halpin’s MACH4 Turicks Kinetic Balance RA MXS2 MJB2 XF CA SCN CGCA TKP “Bali” (Dare x Raina). Congratulations!
December 2022
Marti Touchstone’s “Promise” OTCH Turick’s Covenant UDX2 PUTD OM3 PCDX BN RE MX AXJ MXP MJP XF XFP TKN (Colby x Alli) is invited to the June 2023 AKC National Obedience Championship as one of the top three Belgian Malinois.
“Jayci” (Key x Eve) earned her FCAT8! Congratulations to Jennifer and Turick’s Journey By Design FDC NA AXP OJP NF XFP CAX3 FCAT8 ACT2 SWE SCME SEM RATO CGC TKA ATT!
October 2022
Jennifer Julander’s CH Turick’s Force of Nature NA “Joule” (Key x Eve) competed in her first time out as a special at the American Belgian Malinois Club’s Regional Specialty in Carson City, NV earning two 5 point majors. In an entry of 15 specials, 10 of them bitches, Joule was awarded Select Bitch by judge Karen Johnson the first day and then the following day, with 9 specials bitches, was awarded Best of Opposite Sex by judge Kathleen Carter. The following weekend Joule returned to her favorite activity -agility!
Turick’s Rock My World CDX PCDX BN RA CA FCAT2 RATO CGCA TKN “Slate” (Key x Eve) earned his CDX at the Obedience Club of Chattanooga, Inc.’s trial! Congratulations, Bonita and Slate!
GCH Turicks Wakiya UD TDX HSAds HXAds BCAT TT DS CGC ROM I “Key” (Dare x Raina) earned his Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX) title at Fair Hill in Elkton, MD at the WHWTCA test under judges Jack Sappenfield & Stephanie Crawford. Congratulations, Monique and Key!
August 2022
“Kava” (Ruger, a Dare son x Hottie, a Jack daughter) earned her Herding Championship on August 5th at the Del Bay Herding Club’s trial at Scarlett Mills farm in Birdsboro, PA . This makes her DC Element’s Night Watch at Turick HXAds BCAT CA ROM I, and marks Carolyn Kaiser’s AKC 12th herding championship (5 Triple Champions, 6 Dual Champions, and 1 Herding Champion). Congratulations!
July 2022
July was busy month for Lisa Halpin and her MACH4 Turicks Kinetic Balance RN MXB2 MJC XF CA CGCA TKP “Bali” (Dare x Raina). Bali finished 5th in the 20″ class of the AKC’s Agility Premier Cup, the only one of the ten 20″ finalists not a Border Collie to make the finals, and received an invitation to the December 2022 AKC Agility Invitational as one of the top five Belgian Malinois.
June 2022
Introducing the latest Turick conformation champion! Jennifer Julander and Turick’s Force of Nature NA “Joule” (Key x Eve) finished in six shows with five majors and a BOB over specials at the Woodstock shows in Vallejo, CA.
May 2022
May went out with a bang as over the Memorial Day weekend Valerie Leab and Turicks Rolling Thunder “Tora” (Dare x Raina) earned their second MACH at the LEAP Agility Club of Central MA’s trials at the Starhill Athletic Center in Tolland, CT. Congratulations to Team Tora – now MACH2 Turicks Rolling Thunder MXS MJS OF!
At the conclusion of the 2022 ABMC Specialty four dogs were inducted into the various Halls of Fame, all from the Turick family. CH Crocs-Blancs’ Daktari Turick TT HIC CGC “Tari,” the Turick foundation dog, entered the Conformation Hall of Fame; GCH DC Turick Tyka Von Stahlrosenhof HSAds HSBds HIAds HIBs HXAds “Tyka” (a Dare daughter, bred by Janet Wolf) and DC Turick’s Rock’N The Rhythm AX MXJ HXAsd HOF ROM I “Kaden” (Key x Eve) both entered the Herding Hall of Fame; and MACH Turicks Rolling Thunder “Tora” MXS MJS OF (Dare x Raina) entered the Agility Hall of Fame.
Turick family members in attendance at 2022 ABMC National Specialty held May 3-7 in Ocala, FL made a fine showing, including taking top awards in herding, agility, conformation, and scent work.
In Herding, DC Turick’s Rock’N The Rhythm AX MXJ HXAsd HOF ROM I “Kaden” (Dare son Key x Eve) was HIT from Advanced A Sheep. CH Element’s Night Watch At Turick HXAsd CA BCAT ROM I “Kava” (Dare son Ruger x Hottie) went HC from Advanced A Sheep & Advanced A Cattle as well as RHIT.
In Agility, MACH4 Turicks Kinetic Balance RN MXB2 MJC XF CA CGCA TKP “Bali” (Dare x Raina) was HIT and HC.
In Conformation, GCH Turicks Wakiya UD TD HSAds HXAds BCAT TT DS CGC ROM I “Key” (Dare x Raina) was Select Dog at the Regional Specialty, placed second in Working Dogs Sweepstakes for both the Regional and National Sweepstakes, placed second in the National Specialty’s Veteran 7-9 Years class, placed third in the Regional Specialty’s Veteran Dogs 7-9 Years Sweepstakes, and fourth in the National Specialty’s Veteran Dogs 7-9 Sweepstakes. (He was also third, behind family member’s “Kaden” and “Kava,” in Advanced A Sheep at the all-breed National Specialty herding trial, with Malinois sweeping the top three spots ahead of 8 other entries in this class, as well as second in Rally Novice B.)
In Scent Work, DC Turick’s Rock’N The Rhythm AX MXJ HXAsd HOF
ROM I “Kaden” (Dare son Key x Eve) was first place in the all-breed trial in Novice A Containers at her and her handler’s first-ever Scent Work trial. At just three years old, “Kaden” was also awarded Reserve Most Versatile Malinois from entry in only three of the five point-earning venues (her’s were herding, agility, and scent work).
Dual Champion “Kaden” (DC Turicks Rock’N The Rhythm HXAds AX MXJ ROM I) tops the list of 2021 AKC Herding Malinois in the Advanced classes, with her dam “Kava” (CH Element’s Night Watch at Turick HXAs CA BCAT ROM I ) as #3 and her sire Dare son “Key” as #5 (GCH CH Turicks Wakiya UD TD HSAds HXAds BCAT TT DS CGC ROM I).
Introducing OTCH Turick’s Covenant UDX2 PUTD OM3 PCDX BN RE MX AXJ MXP MJP XF XFP TKN “Promise” (Colby x Alli). Huge congratulations to Marti Touchstone and her Promise on this incredible achievement just shy of Promise’s fifth birthday.
January 2022
Turick’s Rock My World BN RA DCAT RATO CGCA TKN “Slate” (Key x Eve) earned his Novice B title in high style with a High in Trial at the Nashville Dog Training Club’s afternoon trial on January 27th under judge Karen Anderson.
“Slash” (Dare x Raina) is now MACH Turicks Red Hot World on Fire
Congratulations!New Year’s Day welcomed the latest Turick Malinois litter into the world, five girls and 2 boys from Richter x Kava. This litter’s pedigree goes back five generations on both sides to my first Malinois litter in 1996.
Celebrating the Silver Anniversary of Turick Malinois in the ABMC’s Performer. Twenty-five years of performance excellence, generation after generation, from my foundation stock Crocs-Blancs Daktari Turick “Tari ” and Crocs-Blancs Lady Pendragon “Beans” to the two Dare granddaughters now living under my roof, two year old DC Turicks Rock’N The Rhythm AX AXJ, HXAds ROM I “Kaden” and six month old Turick’s Silver Alchemy “Kami,” along with so many dogs in between.
December 2021
Exciting news from the AKC’s 2021 Agility Invitationals! Lisa Halpin and her MACH3 Turicks Kinetic Balance RN MXC MJC XF CA CGCA TKP “Bali” (Dare x Raina) ran clean and fast in the first four 20″ rounds (JWW, STD, Hybrid, JWW) to qualify for the round five finals, where Team Bali placed 3rd out of 110 dogs. Kudos to a wonderful agility team!
Meanwhile, over at the AKC’s 2021 Obedience Classic tournament at the same location, Marti Touchstone’s Turick’s Covenant UDX PCDX OM2 BN RE MX AXJ XF TKN “Promise” (Colby x Alli) placed 15th in the Masters competition, competing six times in two days, three Open B and three Utility B, with all the runs added together for their final score. “Promise” also won the special “High Combined Non-OTCH Dog” award at the pre-trial at the site before the tournament. Congratulations!
July 2021
“Kaden” (Key x Eve) earns her Herding Championship at the age of 25 months, making her a dual champion, eligible for the ABMC’s Hall of Fame in Herding, and with her OFAs finally back, also entry into the ABMC’s Register of Merit First Class. Congratulations to DC Turicks Rock’N The Rhythm HXAds AX AXJ ROM I.
Congratulations also to Dare’s son #6 Jax, his dam “Vida” (GCH Conchos She’s Like Texas CD BN RAE FDC CA CGCA ROM II), his owner and handler, and his breeder Paige Johnson.
Turicks Malinois is also very proud to report that “Bali” (Dare x Raina) earned her MACH 3 and is now MACH3 Turicks Kinetic Balance RN MXC MJG OF CA CGCA TKP.
News from June is that “Kava” (CH Element’s Night Watch At Turick HXAs CA BCAT) earned her HXAd title, “Slash” (C-ATCH Turicks Red Hot World On Fire FDC MX MXS MXJ MJS MFS T2B4 CGCU TKN, Dare x Raina) is #4 on the list for the AKC 2021 Agility Invitationals, and Jayci (Turick’s Journey By Design NAP NJP NFP CAX FCAT2 ACT2 SWA RATO TKA, Key x Eve) earned her FCAT3. In addition, Carolyn Kaiser received advanced recognition by the AKC as a “Silver” Breeder of Merit.
May 2021
The American Belgian Malinois Club awarded its Register of Merit First Class (the highest level) to “Tyka” (GCH DC Turick Tyka Von Stahlrosenhof HSAds HSBds HIAds HIBs HXAds), “Skyler” (DC Turicks The Sky’s the Limit HSAds HIAds HXAds MX AXJ OF CAA BCAT) and “Crush” (GCH Turicks Steamroller De Burr Oak HSAs MX MXJ MJB XF T2B DJ). This registry honors dogs owned by ABMC members that have proven themselves to be outstanding “multi-purpose” dogs as evidenced by holding advanced titles and/or titles in a variety of events. The dogs also must have no disqualifying faults and OFA numbers.
In addition, “Eve” (Jack x Luna) is awarded her Grand Championship and is now GCH Turicks Twilight Temptation Of Tbear HSAs! Congratulations!
April/May 2021
The ABMC’s 2020 AKC Herding Rankings for Belgian Malinois are out: in Advanced, ranked #1 , is Dare son “Key” (GCH CH Turicks Wakiya UD TD HSAds HXAds BCAT TT DS CGC). “Kava” (CH Element’s Night Watch At Turick HXAs CA BCAT, is #4, while #5 is Key and Kava’s daughter “Kaden” (CH Turicks Rock’N The Rhythm AX AXJ).
February 2021
“Richter” (CH Turicks Earth Shattering SAR, Key x Eve) is now a working Seach and RescueLive Find K9.
Not only did “Promise” (Turick’s Covenant UD CDX PCDX BN RE AX AXJ OF TKN, Dare x Kegan) finish up her utility title, she also got her first UDX leg, first OTCH points and a High In Trial.
January 2021
“Kaden” (CH Turicks Rock’N The Rhythm, Key x Eve) debuts in the herding arena in Advanced classes, earning her HXAsd titles.
With the new year also comes the year-end Agility rankings from the previous year: from the 2020 Bad Dog Agility Power Ten listing from the 20″ Regular class #7 was Colby x Alli’s daughter “Promise” (Turick’s Covenant CDX PCDX BN RE AX AXJ OF TKN) and #9 was “Kegan” (GCH DC Turicks Starfire Of Tbear HSAds HIAds HXAds MX MXS MXJ MJB T2B) while in the 24″ Regular class #6 was Dare son “Slash” (C-ATCH Turicks Red Hot World On Fire FDC MX MXS MXJ MJS MFS T2B4 CGCU TKN ).
The AKC’s 2020 Fast CAT Top 20 rankings had as #6 Dare son Key x Eve daughter “Jayci” (Turick’s Journey By Design NAP NJP NFP CAX FCAT2 ACT2 SWA RATO TKA) while #20 was “Kava” (CH Element’s Night Watch At Turick HXAs CA BCAT).
Click below for News from Earlier Years
Older News (2016 – 2020)