TC Turicks Ewe Bet
- <9 Months: Finished breed CH with 4 majors;
- 10 Months: RHIT at the ABMC Natl. Spec. Herding Trial;
- 23 Months: Finished Intermediate Sheep & Duck Titles—impressive 6 consecutive 1st places;
- 2-
1/2 Years: Finished Advanced Sheep & Ducks Titles and Within 1 year earned Herding Championship in 4 Trials with 3 Majors on 2 Classes of Stock #1 Herding Malinois 2010 - January 9, 2011: Youngest Dual Champion Malinois
- October 29, 2011: Master Excellent FAST
- November 11, 2011: Master Agility CH—MACH and the youngest Triple Champion (TC) Malinois, (Daughter of the first TC) and—#1 Herding Malinois 2011
- March 18, 2012 MACH 2
- June 1, 2012: Triple Q (TQX)
- October 6, 2012: HXBd
- October 26, 2012: MACH 3
- November 30, 2012 Master Excellent Jumpers Century (MJC)
- December 2012: #1 AKC Agility Malinois
- February 23, 2013 MACH 4 and Master Agility Standard Century (MXC)